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A Message from our CEO Gerrad Brigham!

By June 19, 2014February 3rd, 2020No Comments

From time to time, we will feature a guest blogger from our corporate headquarters in Lakewood, CO. to provide insight into our home office operations. Our CEO, Gerrad Brigham, graciously agreed to be our first contributor! Take it away Gerrad…

While catastrophe deployments were well below average during the fourth quarter of 2013 and the first quarter of 2014, the executive office was very busy positioning the company for the future.  While we are always proactive about working on the business regardless of catastrophe events, the lull in storm activity allowed us to intensify efforts in the areas of strategic planning and business development.  In December of 2013, we contracted with a topnotch consultant to help us navigate a long term strategic initiative.  We officially launched the initiative at the beginning of 2014, and we are now well into the process of actively pursuing and managing new opportunities with our current clients, and building innovative bridges with new ones.  At the same time, we also launched a Values Alignment and Communications Effort within our home office as a way to simultaneously strengthen our internal team and the customer service we provide to all of our stakeholders.

We still have a lot of work to do, but this is an exciting time in our company’s history.  We look forward to achieving our goals and reaching some new milestones along the way!


Gerrad Brigham, CEO, Eberl Claims Service

Gerrad Brigham, CEO, Eberl Claims Service

Eberl Claims Service

Author Eberl Claims Service

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