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STANDBY ALERT! Atlantic & Pacific Threats

By August 27, 2015February 3rd, 2020No Comments

Quote of the Day- “The main words to describe the forecast for Erika for its impact on the Bahamas and the U.S. East Coast: much higher uncertainty than usual.”- Dr. Jeff Masters, Weather Underground.

The main forecast models, which have been varying widely from run to run and amongst one another have given three scenarios;

  • Could hit as a hurricane anywhere from the Florida peninsula to the Carolinas. This should get narrowed down in the coming days and is looking more and more likely with each model run.
  • Erika could dissipate before reaching the U.S.  This is largely dependent on wind shear and how Erika tracks near Hispaniola and its mountainous terrain.
  • Could miss the coast entirely… Hey- that’s always a possibility, right?


In addition to the threat posed by Erika, we have hurricane Ignacio in the Pacific heading towards the Hawaiian Islands. Ignacio is steadily intensifying and one of the more accurate forecast models brings the storm within 100 miles of Hawaii on Tuesday.

We are busy preparing for Erika and Ignacio at this time by putting adjusters on STANDBY.

If you are on our roster and not on standby, please contact your dispatcher or email us at If you are not on our roster, please submit an application here Eberl Application.

Our carrier clients have a large exposure in Hawaii, Florida and on the East Coast, so if either of these storms make landfall we will have assignments!! 



Eberl Claims Service

Author Eberl Claims Service

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